Mamma mia, ho così tanti impegni che non riesco ad aggiornare il blog come vorrei!
I have so many commitments that I can't update my blog as I would like!
La sera arrivo a casa così stanca che riesco giusto a sfogliare qualche pagina del libro che sto leggendo, ma poi gli occhi mi fanno "pupi-pupi", per usare una delle espressioni di Camilleri che preferisco (chissà come faccio ora a tradurla in inglese?!) e mi addormento.
In the night I get home so tired that I can just leafing through a few pages of the book I'm reading, but then my eyes make "pupi-pupi" to use one of my favorite expressions from Andrea Camilleri's book (it's Sicilian dialect and I can't translate it! the term is used when the eyes are sleepy and even if they're open you can't see anything, Camilleri is one of the most important writer of thrillers in Italy and I like his books a lot because the characters make me laugh so much). So I fall asleep.
Ma questo pomeriggio mi sono ritagliata un attimo per le ultime notizie e, quindi, chi è interessato, vada a leggere i post successivi.
But this evening I cut out a moment for the latest news and, therefore, those who are interested, go read the later posts.
For sure we will come back and read later posts =D
RispondiEliminaWhen your eyes make 'pupi pupi' mine make 'cui cui' , hehehehe, like birds in French =D
Take care
big hugs
Valma, my dear!
EliminaVery nice the "cui cui" thing! Classic! It seems Sicilian dialect is more similar to French than to Italian. Anyway, I can't translate "pupi pupi" but I'm sure it has nothing to do with birds.
Take care, too.
A lot of kisses from your Italian friend.
Hi Flower, what a beautiful birthday present, very beautiful and useful for those who love embroidery. I went through several posts and keep your enchanted with its beautiful ttrabalhos. A beautiful night of dreams and a hug Iêda Brazilian girlfriend.
RispondiEliminaHi Flower, what a beautiful birthday present, very beautiful and useful for those who love embroidery. I went through several posts and keep your enchanted with its beautiful ttrabalhos. A beautiful night of dreams and a hug Iêda Brazilian girlfriend.